Students at a Twin Cities middle school with Emotional Behavioral Disabilities (EBD) working to improve their community through work of Public Achievement.
They are radically changing the idea of special education and what students with labels are truly capable of...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Student Reflections on how Public Achievement has helped them...

"I had trouble in school and I am in Public Achievement.  Just because kids are in trouble at school doesn’t mean they are bad.  Public Achievement can help kids use their brains without somebody judging them all the time." - T, 5th grade student
"Public Achievement has taught me it is important to be nice to people.   Words hurt people and PA showed me how to help people being bullied. Kids in special programs should do PA because they will realize that they can make a change.  That way we can reduce bullying." -Faith, 8th grade student

Bully Bosses... The work continues..

The first poster the students created to address bully bystander education at their school.

The Bully Bosses have decided to focus on the role of the bystander in bullying. They have researched interventions and learned that this has been the most effective intervention when it comes to decreasing bullying. They have also created their first PSA for the school broadcast to introduce their group to the rest of the school. Outside of the classroom, they have created a billboard and have a place for suggestions from their other peers at the middle school.
Billboard outside the classroom