Students at a Twin Cities middle school with Emotional Behavioral Disabilities (EBD) working to improve their community through work of Public Achievement.
They are radically changing the idea of special education and what students with labels are truly capable of...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The perspective of the paraprofessional...

As a part of the special education program we are blessed to have 2 paraprofessionals, or educational assistants, who work with our students.  Below is a note from one of the paras: Ms. Steph

As a para working with my PA class, I have noticed a lot of change already.  This is my 2nd year our class is doing PA.  This year the group I’m working with picked the issue of Bullying.
Being the 2nd year for most of the students they jumped right in and had a crazy amount of ideas and ambition to tackle the topic of bullying.  Some have already faced road blocks.  How do you advocate to STOP BULLYING if they are the bully themselves?
But in every group they have their strengths and weaknesses.  This group of students has passion, amazing ideas, and creativity.  They are good listeners and public speakers.  Sometimes they don’t reach their goals and they can have difficulty settling down and getting on the same page. There are many interruptions as they try to agree on topics and ideas.
But when it comes down to it, they work as a group and it becomes like a family and they each have their group.
Each day can be different, but it’s amazing to watch these students come together with a common goal to stop bullying.  They have brainstormed tons of idea to help stop bullying in their school- posters, PSA’s, after school program, a hotline number, district-wide anti-bullying campaign and the list goes on…
Now they need to figure out the steps to accomplish their goal.  Stay tuned to see their progress this year.

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